The deals I post are ones that I have almost always done myself.
I haven't done this deal yet but I plan to.
Johnson's Lotion, Powder,Oil, or baby swabs (Johnson's swabs 375 ct, lotion or powder 9 oz, baby pack, oil or powder 4 oz, cologne 6.8 oz, bar 3 oz $1.99)
- Use the $1.00 off 1 coupon in the rite aid paper. (you'll find these at the Rite Aid store)
- use this $1.00 off here from Johnson's website.
Free after coupons
Remember when you coupon you can always use one store coupon and 1 manufacturing coupon on the same product, but you will need as many items as you do coupons to make the system understand....... thats why i always end up buying a filler.
something cheap that I like anyway.... like m&ms (baby b loves these)
You don't have to use candy, but i usually do cause its right at the register, however yesterday I used peroxide cause we needed that anyway.
remember to always have a plan when you shop!
so go to Rite Aid and get you some free baby items.
I went out today to transfer a script and checkout this deal
My cashier would only let me use the rite aid coupon once
SO in order for me to take advantage of this deal I would have to do separate trans.
Prob just 2 a day
I did get some 500 count johnsons q tips for free
and the Johnsons baby bedtime lotion ..... it smells so good.
so I will probably go back everyday this week. (when I am not working!=))
Happy Shopping
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